Victorian Monsters

Far as what I have observed most of the Victorian monsters are guys well besides Miss Havisham. Its funny how most of them are guys when now a days most people who are monsters that are humans are woman cause we all know how we can get really pissed off and go haywire. Miss Havisham was a lady who was stood up at the day of marriage and that made her a monster towards guys thinking that all guys are the same and will be the same. I would think that guys would be the most as monsters since they are allowed to go out and do things as woman back then were more of like a house hold role in their town.

If I could leave anything out in HUM 101?

I do not really think anything I learned or read this semester needs to be take out. It is all good stories and interesting facts about Victorians and their era. I would love to have more info on The Goblin Market. As far as taking anything out I wouldn’t. It all fits in great and flows smooth through the course. I mean all the stories and people are great but most of them are just a tad bit boring in a way but still good to learn about.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Seeing all the people we have went over in the second half in this movie excites me in a nerdy like way. For some of the characters that we learned in literature are in the movie but not exactly like they explain them in words I think. The invisible man was the same as in the text but I do not remember reading anything about him putting white paint like stuff on his face which makes it where you can see him. Some of the characters looks in the movie were completely different from how they were describe in their stories that we have read together. It is not a big change but in a way if they would have remained the same and looked the same as in the literature I think it may have made the movie a whole lot better.

Victorian Technology

The Victorian’s passion for technology is just like ours as we get excited for something new as they did to but the Victorian’s got more happiness with new technology because it meant better living conditions and even less deaths in some new advancements. Our technology would probably be a blast for some of them, but you will always most likely have the ones who would be scared of it or rather do it the hard way on some things. I think this because not a lot of us like to type or email someone but they would much rather sit down with some paper and a pen and write to them and either mail it or hand deliver it. Which this is not a bad thing at all but new advancements in technology is actually a good thing but some of the technology stuff we do not have to do but we could do it the old way like in the example of writing someone a message.


The story Dracula is not what I thought it would be and it is a little on the boring side to me I would much rather watch the movie on it instead of reading a bunch of words. Dracula compares a lot to what I have in mind of a vampire like the biting the neck and what not but now everyone thinks that a vampire can be a vegetarian and not suck human blood and other bull crap but really it is just sad that we have to make this kind of movie that does not even show what a true vampire is about. Dracula was a true vampire and I think he was cool I just don’t care to read about it I rather watch and learn about him instead. Dracula is more interesting to me than Edward Cullen, etc..


I do not know much about vampires in general but I do remember a little bit about Dracula, but now we have Twilight and that is no where near what a vampire is. Vampires don’t reproduce but they make people their kind by biting them on the neck. Vampires are not vegetarians like in Twilight. Some of what I learn about vampires are from books and movies. Every now and then a history like channel may display something. I think people are fascinated by the Twilight vampires instead of what an actual vampire is. Since when does a vampire sparkle in the light like come on get with it folks. I do not have much of an attraction to them but I mean they are good for movies, they ain’t scary to me, and I know what they are and what real ones do.

Dorian Gray

People today we seek to ignore how old we really are by make up and botox shots. Even some old people try and dye their hair from grey and black to brown without the grey and black, and really to me it does not look right to me. I think a woman does not need make or anything just let your body grow cause everyone will get old. Also when we use a lot of make or botox and yes some guys use botox or even plastic surgery but in the end we still all know what we will look like in a few days when things wear off just like when a woman will sit/stand and take their make up off. Even when the hair dye starts growing out and the grey and black start coming back out by the roots and then you have to spend more money to re dye your hair again.

If i were invisible?

To be honest I do not know what I would do if I were invisible. I think I would probably sneak around and be nosey as to what my cousin and his stupid fiance are doing since they treated me and my parents like hell and to make sure they are taking good care of their little girl and not letting her go without things. Maybe also use it at work to see who aint doing their filing work and what not so everything will not be put up against me and be like its my fault. Lazy people at work! I may even use it with my family and my dogs to see what they really do when i am not around

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

This story is so everlasting because we now have movies that can almost sorta compare to it. Its good because it shows how experiments can go wrong without being tested and what not. This theme of the movie now relates to a lot of movies we have today like The Mask and Me, Myself, and Irene. This is not a split personality thing but its one person with a good side and a bad side. I like our movies better on showing this but then again it was not that bad in the Invisible Man. We have some messed up scientists who do not go by the rule book just like the Victorians did as in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Favorite monster movie

I am going to go with the one I seen recently and that was Great Expectations. I have been thinking about the movie since we watched. I been trying to think of different ways that some scenes could have went and so one. Miss Havisham was very odd but very interesting in how she looked to as far as how she was and acted. It was not as scary to me it was just interesting to me. Kinda makes me wanna try and read the book. To me I think this movie was more like watch who you talk to and connect with in your life or bad things will happen to you for example Miss Havisham and Estella.